Angola women's national basketball team is the basketball team which represents Angolan women internationally. In 2011 FIBA Africa Championship for Women They won their first Continental African title and they qualified for the first time to 2012 Summer Olympics. They have made their only appearance so far in the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup in 2014, where they finished last among 16 teams.


FIBA Africa Championship for Women 2007

The squad traveled to Senegal for the FIBA Africa Championship for Women 2007 in September 2007. It went 4–1 in the first round of the competition, losing only to the Democratic Republic of the Congo once they had clinched advancement to the next round. In the round of single elimination, Angola beat Côte d'Ivoire 44–42, before losing to eventual champion Mali by 9. In the third place game, Angola beat Mozambique by 15 to clinch a spot in the qualifying tournament for the 2008 Summer Olympics.

FIBA Africa Championship for Women 2011

Angola won its first African title at the 2011 FIBA Africa Championship for Women in Bamako, Mali. It finished with a 7–1 record with Small forward Nacissela Maurício being named the tournament's MVP. Moreover, Power forward Sónia Guadalupe was named to the All-Tournament team. With this win, Angola secured a spot at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

앙골라는 아프리카의 남서부에 위치한 나라입니다. 축구, 배구, 핸드볼 등 다양한 스포츠가 인기 있지만 특히 농구가 가장 인기 있는 스포츠입니다. 앙골라 농구 국가대표팀은 1976년부터 국제 대회에 참가하고 있으며, 아프리카 선수권 대회에서 11번 우승을 차지했습니다. 올림픽에는 10번 출전했으며, 2004년 아테네 올림픽에서 동메달을 획득했습니다. 최근에는 2023년 국제 농구 연맹(FIBA) 월드컵에서 8강에 진출했습니다. 앙골라 농구 국가대표팀은 빠르고 민첩한 플레이 스타일로 유명하며, 세계 최고의 농구 팀 중 하나로 평가받고 있습니다.