Grasshopper Club Zürich Frauen is a Swiss women's football team from Niederhasli, Zürich representing Grasshopper Club Zürich in the Swiss Women's Super League.


The team was founded in 1977 in Schwerzenbach, Zürich, as DFC Schwerzenbach, the women's football division of SC Schwerzenbach. The team achieved promotion to the top level in 1988 and has played there since. Three years later Schwerzenbach won its first trophy, the 1992 national cup, and in 1999 it won the championship. FFC Bern prevented a double defeating Schwerzenbach in the cup's final in a penalty shootout.

While the team's standings subsequently ranged between the 3rd and second-to-last spots, Schwerzenbach won two more national cups in 2003 and 2008 and represented Switzerland in the 2004 European Cup. In 2006, the team decided to become its own club and on 6 October 2006, FFC United Schwerzenbach was founded in Greifensee, Zürich.

In May 2008, the club won its first title, with the cup victory over FFC Bern. Soon after, in June 2008, the collaboration between Grasshopper Club Zürich and FFC United Schwerzenbach was announced and in the following season the team played as GC/Schwerzenbach. This collaboration was seen as a quantum leap in women's football in Switzerland. GC/Schwerzenbach was dissolved a year later, as the team became fully integrated into Grasshopper Club as the women's football division. They would play under the name Grasshopper Club Zürich.

Following a bronze in its debut season, Grasshopper was the championship's runner-up in 2010. In the three next seasons it has ended in mid-table positions.

On 4 September 2023, the club decided to incorporate their women's football team under the name GC Frauenfussball AG.

그라스호퍼 취리히(Grasshopper Club Zürich)는 스위스 취리히를 연고로 하는 축구 클럽이다. 1886년에 창단되었으며, 스위스에서 가장 성공적인 클럽 중 하나로 손꼽힌다. 스위스 슈퍼리그에서 27번의 우승을 차지했으며, 스위스 컵에서도 19번의 우승을 차지했다. 그라스호퍼 취리히는 유럽 대회에서도 좋은 성적을 거두었으며, 1978-79 시즌에 유러피언컵 준결승에 진출하기도 했다.

그라스호퍼 취리히는 독특한 플레이 스타일과 다수의 재능 있는 선수들로 유명하다. 이 클럽은 공격적인 축구를 선호하며, 빠른 패스와 정교한 움직임으로 상대를 압도한다. 그라스호퍼 취리히의 홈구장은 하르투르트 스타디움으로, 30,000명의 관중을 수용할 수 있다.

그라스호퍼 취리히는 스위스를 대표하는 축구 클럽 중 하나이며, 많은 국가대표팀 선수들을 배출했다. 스위스 축구 국가대표팀의 전설적인 선수인 하인츠 헤르만(Heinz Hermann)과 알프레트 빅켈(Alfred Bickel)도 그라스호퍼 취리히의 선수로 활약했다.

현재 그라스호퍼 취리히는 스위스 슈퍼리그에서 활약하고 있으며, 2022-23 시즌을 8위로 마감했다.