Ballarat 2024-05-02 08:32

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Betsie Bale 1.600
05/02 08:27
05/02 08:33
2 4 Orbit Bale 2.250
05/02 08:27
05/02 08:33
3 3 Hartney 2.250
05/02 08:25
05/02 08:33
4 2 Shaka Big Tonks -
05/02 08:32
05/02 08:33
5 Tomida -
05/02 08:32
05/02 08:33
6 Gas Man -
05/02 08:32
05/02 08:33
7 Josie's Jewel -
05/02 08:32
05/02 08:33
8 1 Asperitas 1.600
05/02 08:25
05/02 08:33
9 Inter Sparkle (Res)
9 Inter Sparkle
10 Back To Scratch
10 Back To Scratch (Res)